開催日 |
2024年04月01日(月) |
時間 |
09時00分 ~ 21時00分 |
申込期間 |
2024年04月01日(月) 00時00分~ 2025年03月31日(月) 00時00分 |
対象者 |
定員 |
参加費用 |
パネラー・講師 |
主催 |
開催日 |
ジャンル |
セミナータイトル |
主催者 |
パネラー・講師 |
対象者 |
02/06(水) |
投資 |
CFA Japan Seminar: Integrating ESG into Emerging Market Equity Investment process- Case studies from Russia and East Europe |
CFA Society Japan |
Mr. Petri Kuusisto, Executive Chairman and Group CIO for Northern Star (NS) |
CFA Society of Japan Members / Candidate Members / CFA Candidates / All others |
ESG integrated investment processes are not common within Emerging markets. The speaker will introduce “an innovative sustainable investment approach” which can be described with two words: integration and engagement. Northern Star’s approach to responsible investment and ESG analysis has developed out of a need for more information for analysis on those inefficient markets. Rather than punishing companies with disinvestment, the approach is committed to giving guidance with its engagement procedures and by that is investing in the improvement of its investment universe. Mr Kuusisto, who has an extensive asset management background in pension funds in Northern Europe as well as sovereign wealth fund in the Middle East, will highlight his pioneering ESG work and philosophy through Case studies from Russia and East Europe.
12/07(金) |
投資 金融理論 |
日本CFA協会主催CFA Institute Research Challenge最終審査・表彰式 |
一般社団法人 日本CFA協会 |
参加大学(学生・指導教官)、CFA協会会員 |